Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Hold up/hold on/hold on a second/hold on a minute/hold your horses/hold it right there!

After the visits, briefings and presentations for the Factory Space Gallery of Capel St, Yes Sir Alan Sugar belled Officeless at a ridiculously early hour this morning with the news that the Upstarts exhibition has 'only gone and been bloody moved somewhere else 'asn't it?!'

With or without Yes Sir Alan's backing, the new exhibition venue is the Rothco offices of Pembroke Row, Lower Baggott St. I hope, for their sakes, that the Advertising Upstarts were not set a brief for Bord Failte...

If anyone spots the hawaiian-shirted geezer hanging about on the night, keep away from him.

In other news hot off the press, the show concept and artwork has been selected from the work presented last week. Roll up, roll up... below is a sneak preview of Kate Brangan's project.

The design group meet again next Monday to organise the promotion of the event. Rumours that this meeting will involve nailing the doors of Rothco closed to prevent a further venue change are unconfirmed at this moment in time.

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