Friday, August 22, 2008


My personal WorldSkills adventure started with a one-off, one-day exam in college and has lead to a Department of Education & Science silver medal, the experience of representing and competing for Ireland in Graphic Design Technology in international competition, and the opportunity to work as as part of the event secretariat team in Shizouka, Japan.

WorldSkills is an incredible organisation. The competition itself is held once every two years, the next in Calgary, Canada 2009. Over 50 countries are represented in as many different vocational trade areas, from Automobile Technology to Beauty Therapy, Graphic Design Technology to Joinery, Welding to Floristry. Representation on the international stage goes back to national and regional contests held in individual countries; competitors training for the international event do so alongside a technical Expert who with Experts from each other competing nation will judge the finished work to determine medal winners.

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