Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Hard Rain

"July, 1969. Mark Edwards, lost on the edge of the Sahara, is rescued by a Tuareg nomad, who takes him to his people, makes a fire and produces a cassette player. Bob Dylan sings “A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall”. As Dylan piles image upon image, the idea comes to Edwards of illustrating each line of the song. In the years that follow, he travels to over 150 countries to photograph our headlong collision with nature. Hard Rain is the result — an unforgettable collection of photographs illustrating Dylan’s prophetic lyric."

Mark Edwards' Hard Rain project is currently on display in the Botanic Gardens. It is an incredible collection of photographs. Bob Dylan described A Hard Rain's Gonna Fall as the song he had to write before the end of the world; the feverpitch height of Cold War, nuclear crisis, paranoia. The end was nigh and Dylan had these images in his head he had to share, so he crammed them all into this song. Beauty, horror, wonder, despair. The photographer's work captures and presents the truth in so many of these words.

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